A fantastic Nativity performance this week. It is an important reminder of the real meaning of Christmas and that Jesus was the best present of all.
This week we have been working on patterns.Look around you at home or when you are out and about at spotting patterns all around .
This week we made our own Advent Wreath together and talked about the beginning of the Christmas preparations. Enjoy the beautiful Advent book given to each family this weekend and talk about it together.
We went to church to visit Fr John who ' Baptised' our baby, as part of our RE lessons. He made our learning fun and interesting and was very happy to welcome us into church. He is looking forward to welcoming our families at weekend mass and meeting us again soon . Thank you Father John .
We all dressed in spots today to celebrate Children In Need and donated generously to help others . Well done everyone.
We enjoyed listening to our year 6 friends about Remembrance Day .The clip on CBeebies is well worth a look at together .