
St Aidan'sCatholic Primary SchoolCome in and learn with Jesus; go out and serve with love.


Welcome toSt Aidan'sCatholic Primary SchoolCome in and learn with Jesus; go out and serve with love.


Our aim at St Aidan’s Catholic Primary School is to teach our children to use technology positively, safely and responsibly, as we recognise it is everywhere and will play a pivotal part in students’ lives. Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners and we want all of our children to have every opportunity available to allow them to achieve this.

Our high-quality computing curriculum aims to equip our children with the computational thinking needed to understand and change the world, in what is an increasingly digital society in Britain today. By the time our children leave us in Year 6, we want all of our children to have gained the knowledge and skills outlined in the 3 main areas of the National Curriculum; computer science, digital literacy and information technology.

