
St Aidan'sCatholic Primary SchoolCome in and learn with Jesus; go out and serve with love.


Welcome toSt Aidan'sCatholic Primary SchoolCome in and learn with Jesus; go out and serve with love.

Feeling Good - Physical Activities

Physical Activity


Being physically active is closely linked to feeling emotionally positive. Good sleep and exercise routines are vitally important to both our physical and emotional well-being.

We have shared some simple idea below to help maintain physical activity at home. If you have any more ideas then please share them with us.

Mini Olympics

Bring It Down - Flow | GoNoodle

This exercise teaches how to gain control of your stressful energy when it becomes to hard to handle. This video comes from GoNoodle's Flow channel. Flow get...

Rainbow Breath - Flow | GoNoodle

Learn how to raise your energy and face your day with this exercise. Have fun with it! This video comes from GoNoodle's Flow channel. Flow gets kids to relax...

On & Off - Flow | GoNoodle

This exercise will teach you to turn high, stressful energy off so you can do what you need to do to be your best self. This video comes from GoNoodle's Flow...

Victorious - Flow | GoNoodle

Learn to grow strength and confidence from inside yourself with this stretching exercise. This video comes from GoNoodle's Flow channel. Flow gets kids to re...

Strengthen Your Focus - Empower Tools | GoNoodle

Learn how to bring focus to yourself with this calming exercise for the mind and body. Create a free account on now and find hundreds of ways to...

Melting - Flow | GoNoodle

Practice melting away that icky frozen feeling you get when you're scared, frustrated, or angry. Create a free account on now and find hundreds ...
