
St Aidan'sCatholic Primary SchoolCome in and learn with Jesus; go out and serve with love.


Welcome toSt Aidan'sCatholic Primary SchoolCome in and learn with Jesus; go out and serve with love.

Our Curriculum

Our Curriculum


As a primary school, St Aidan's follows the two national documents covering the primary age curriculum.  They are the Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage, which is taught in Nursery and Reception, and the National primary curriculum which is taught in Years 1 - 6.


Our aim for the curriculum is to provide our children with the knowledge and skills that they will need to contribute to our society in a positive way and to be successful in life. 



At St Aidan's we use the Essential Letters and Sounds Phonics Scheme alongside our Oxford Reading scheme.


You can watch these Julia Donaldson Top Tips for reading videos which share some good ideas about helping your child to read.




We are in the process of fully embedding our Essential Letters & Sounds Systematic Synthetic Phonics programme. The most important thing to do at home is use the correct short sounds as demonstrated below: 

Articulation of Phonemes

A useful video clip showing the correct 'pure' pronounciation of phonemes (units of sound).


Please read our summary of teaching Mathematics at St Aidan's document below and find out a little more about our approach.


You can also watch these Maths videos from Oxford Owl to find out how you can best support your child with developing mathematical  concepts at home.


St Aidan's Approach to Mathematics



Religious Education

Our RE curriculum is delivered through Come and See which is the Diocesan programme developed with all schools.

If you would like to find out more about the curriculum we teach at our school, please speak to a member of our staff.
